Etnogrāfijas muzejs – IKEA

You can choose where to start the hike – either at Brīvdabas muzejs bus stop (you can use 28. , 29. , 31T. buses) or one of thee many bus stops near Ikea (for example “Bērnu slimnīca “Gaiļezers” bus stop, taking the 16. bus)

DistanceDifficulty Time required
assuming 4 km/h pace
About 16,5 kmEasyAbout 5 hours

The route itself

The route itself is pretty easy, most the paths are fairly plat and large portions of the route are covered on dirt roads. There is a short section where you would have to walk along A4 highway.

Things to consider

You might have to a buy a ticket for the open air museum, to be able to cross its territory. There are public toilets in the museums territory, roughly in the middle of the hike in a VIRŠI-A gas station, where you can water and some snacks, and in IKEA and the nearby shopping centre Sāga, where you can also get some food. You can buy tickets for the public transport busses in the Mobilly app

You can download the route in different formats (gpx/kml/kmz) here below

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