Bolderāja – Priedaine

You can choose where to start the hike – either at Priedaine railway station or at the Bolderaja bridge public bus stop (you can use 3. , 30. , 36. , 56. buses).

DistanceDifficulty Time required
assuming 4 km/h pace
About 19kmEasyAbout 5 hours

The route itself

The route itself is pretty easy, most the paths are fairly plat and large portions of the route are covered on dirt roads. Most elevation changes are in the middle of the hike, when you would cross Buļļu dunes.

Things to consider

There are to shops along the way, nor are there any public toilets. You can buy tickets for the train and the bus in the Mobilly app.

You can download the route in different formats (gpx/kml/kmz) here below

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