Jade Plant

General description

Native to arid regions in South Africa, Crassula ovata, or the Jade Plant, is a succulent from the Crassulaceae family. Recognized for its opposite, fleshy, jade green leaves, it adopts a slow-growing, tree-like structure. This species employs Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis, an adaptation to arid conditions allowing night-time stomata opening, minimizing water loss. The plant’s resilience, water storage capacity, and cultural associations with prosperity make it a hardy choice for indoor gardening. Its botanical features, including water-storing cells and CAM photosynthesis, contribute to its ability to thrive with minimal care in well-draining soil.

Basic care

Sunlight requirementsWatering scheduleCoffee grounds
Partial sunlight14 daysOccasionally


  • Light: Thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate some direct sunlight.
  • Watering: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, especially during the dormant winter months.
  • Soil Type: Well-draining succulent or cactus mix with added perlite or coarse sand.
  • Coffee Grounds: While not specifically required, a well-draining mix can benefit from the occasional addition of fully composted coffee grounds.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Prefers temperatures between 18-24°C, with protection from drafts and sudden temperature changes. Adapted to average indoor humidity levels; proper ventilation is essential to prevent excess moisture.
  • Fertilization: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength during the growing season; avoid fertilizing during the dormant period.
  • Repotting: Every 2-3 years, using a slightly larger pot with drainage holes.

Watering Frequency: Every 20 day(s)

Last Watered On: 2024-09-07 18:03:48